Commission Pricing
Pet Portraits
Charcoal Drawing with simple background
$100 - 5x7
$150 - 8x10
$200 - 11x14
$250 - 16x20
Add $75 per extra subject
Oil Painting with simple background
$ 250 - 5x7
$350 - 8x10
$450 - 11x14
$550 - 16x20
Add $100 per extra subject
Oil Painting with complex/detailed background
$600 - 8x10
$700 - 11x14
$800 - 16x20
Add $100 per extra subject
Please Note: This is just a base price. Rates will increase based on complexity of background and other elements included in portrait.
People Portraits
Drawing (charcoal or graphite) with simple background
$200 - 5x7
$275 - 8x10
$325 - 11x14
Add $100 per extra subject
Please Note: This could be a family photo, piece of fan art, or any portrait you desire.
Oil Painting with simple background
$300 - 5x7
$400 - 8x10
$500 - 11x14
Add $100 per extra subject
Please Note: Your commissioned portrait does not have to contain any of the fantasy elements shown in the example photo! This is a fan art piece just to give you an idea of my style. Any simple family photo fits into this category.
Painting (oil or acrylic) with complex background/scene
$800 - 8x10
$1000- 11x14
Add $110 per extra subject
Please Note: I do not have a commission example for this category. Something that would fit into this category would be a painting of a family member in front of their home, a painting of a scene from your wedding, etc.
Creative Commissions
This category is for any piece that is not a “portrait”. If you are looking for a landscape painting or an imaginative piece (ex: a dragon) I would consider these creative commissions. Since this is a very broad category and the options are endless, I do not have a price list. Contact me with your idea (if it does not fit into any of the above categories) and we can work out the medium, size, and price based on the complexity.
*Please email me at with the subject “Commission Inquiry” if you would like a quote or want to book a commission with me.
Examples of “creative commissions” below: